Monday, July 20, 2009

...2nd week....

What an interesting Science lesson this week. Don’t you think so?? Yes, besides our bubbly lecturer, I personally find this week’s lecture to be more of a hands-on task for us to complete in our respective groups. Our lecturer gave us the task to plan a Science lesson with materials that he will provide. He came in with a small bag which contains the materials that he was going to pass us. I was so curious in wanting to find out what was in that little bag. Like a magician, he took out a few CD-ROMs from that small bag and asked us to prepare a Science lesson using the CD-ROM. He gave us the option on when we would want to use the CD-ROM to aid the teaching and learning process. My group members and I were very much like small kids as we could not wait to see what was in the CD. When the CD was played, I was so surprised to see how interesting it was. It was not only colourful but also very very eye-catching. As I reflect back on my schooling days, I could not recall my teacher using such teaching materials/aids to teach me. Hmm…I wonder why…However, in my point of view, I believe that teachers should make full use of CD-ROMs or other teaching materials which is considered as a powerful tool in getting the message across. It does not only create a fun learning environment but also helps pupils to retain what they have learned longer because when learning is fun pupils will never forget what they have learned. I also feel that teachers in school nowadays should take the extra effort to in-cooperate such learning techniques as it is very very effective. Pupils these days find learning Science as tough, I believe that if teachers are able to make full use of the resources that are available (CD-ROMs, VIDEOs, etc), learning Science will surely be interesting. I hope that when I become a Science teacher in the near future, I would definitely in-cooperate such tools during the teaching and learning process. The Science lesson that we have prepared have not yet been presented to the class, I hope I would have something to say about that in my coming reflection…Till then..ADIOS!!!!....

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