Sunday, July 26, 2009

...3rd week...

This week’s Science class was presentation week. As for my group, we presented on the lesson plan that we came up with as a group. The topic of the lesson was on light whereby at the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to figure out objects that are transparent, translucent and opaque. It is rather an interesting topic as pupils are able to conduct experiments to find out the characteristics of objects around them. The lesson plan that my group have created, allows pupils to do just about that. Based on Mr. Fauzi’s comments, there is room for improvisations. Our next task is to come up with a simulated-teaching as it is considered as part of our assignment as well. It would be fun as this would be our first time conducting simulated-teaching for the science subject. Besides that, it would be our first time conducting it in University Malaya. New environment and new experience altogether. I am looking forward for the simulated-teaching and looking for what my friends have prepared. For now, my group members and I are busy preparing for our simulated teaching. I am pretty sure that there is much to learn from everyone since this is our first time conducting simulated-teaching for the Science subject. I am sure many of us will be feeling nervous as well as we are not sure if we are doing it right. I believe that the experience that we gain will help us to learn and develop ourselves as there is always the first time. Okay, I got to go and get my teaching resources done for my simulated teaching. see u again..Adios!!!!

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